Discipline Syllabus

MPE-001 - Research methodologies in Education

Discipline Syllabus: It intends to do the epistemological study of theoretical-methodological approaches and paradigms of research in Education as a support to research projects generation, above all, to research of educational phenomena to be studied by students. The focus will be on the methodological stages of the research in education with reflections in the teaching practices context; of the object of study; of the social relevance; of the validity conditions, of the research issue, of the bibliographic review; of the research justification; of the proceedings and methodological instrumentscompatible with the type of data collection and of the research to be developed, of the data collection and outcome analysis.

MPE-002 - Education theoretical-methodological fundamentals

Discipline Syllabus: Educational philosophical fundamentals: philosophical lines and educational ramifications: rationalism, positivism, dialectical materialism and pragmatism.
Educational Methodological Fundamentals. Relationship between education and society: the historical changes in the education function, the privatization of education; and theories about school education and inequality.
Brazilian Education: relationship between Nationstate, Society and School. Educational system in different historical periods in Brazil. The educational policy in modern Brazil: regulation and programs.

MPE-003 - History of Teaching and Educational Research in the Science Area

Discipline Syllabus: Historical studies of teaching and educational research in the Science area covering several curricular modalities and school levels of scientific education and represented: in courseware; in curricular proposals or educational innovation programs; in the organs and institutions focused on scientific education. Main methodological approaches of educational research in the Science area present on the thesis, essays, articles or other kinds of divulgation of the academic and scientific production in that area.
Reflections of these studies in the historical processes of initial and continuous teacher training.

MPE-007 - The education of ethnic-racial relations at school: focus on Natural Science

Discipline Syllabus: This course focuses on the education of ethnic-racial relations and its viability on school education, with emphasis on Natural Science teaching. It aims to cognize and understand potentialities of school education in general and curricular components associated with Natural Science for the purpose of consolidating the formation of citizens, sujeitos de direitos, involved and engaged in building up a fair society for everyone and respectful with cultural diversity. It's concerned about knowledge making, postures, values, attitudes, ethnic sensibilities, competences and criteria, mediations, instruments, modalities, strategies to apreender-ensinarprender .    It will aim to develop with participants, the educational and investigative thinking about the addressed topics for the purpose of making a iniciative of investigation-intervention on the course in consonance with the stated objective of educate fair ethnoracial relations in the school environment.

MPE-008 - The Human Activity on Technologies and Consumption: implications in the Teaching and Learning processes

Discipline Syllabus: The central focus of the course will be the discussion and extension of the Body in Motion and its relationship with toys and games in teaching and learning processes. Associated with this, concepts such as: fad and consumerism will be analyzed and studied under the effect of influences and technological advances. From these discussions we will work on ways of overcoming conceptions and technological influences on human development that put social and cultural aspects at the margins of interpersonal relations and have consequences in the teaching and learning of children. The articular axis of these discussions will be the quality of the mediations developed by teachers in Movement activities with toys and games elaborated, analyzed, carried out and reformulated with children from 0 to 10 years, aiming to the development of learning with purport and meaning for all.

MPE-010 - Culture and Technology

Discipline Syllabus: Analysis of concepts of culture and concepts of technology; comprehension, in a discursive perspective, of the fundamentals that support the usage of technical-linguistic in educational context; concept of cyberculture and means of authorship; meaning of memory, discurse and archive in the discursive perspective.

DIP-003 - Conception and approaches of teaching resources

Discipline Syllabus: study of historical-philosophical-methodological-espitemological fundamentals which guide the elaboration and evaluation of teaching resources used for education. Planning, elaboration, development and analysis of teaching resources and activities which may guide the teaching process.

DIP-005 - Conceptions and reflexive practices in Education

Discipline Syllabus: to promote a crictical and resonable reflection  about issues and practices related to school lifetime, the understanding of modern challenges faced by the teacher, as well as about the conceptions of training processes based on teaching process reflection.

DIP-006 - Writing and authoring processes

Discipline Syllabus: Analysis of several conceptions of the writing processes: between technic and identity construction; Writing in social practices and discursive genres; the intertextuality in the authoring processes; concept of plagiarism and educational implications; Writing and rewriting in research.

DIP-010 - Evaluation policies, curriculum and teaching practice

Discipline Syllabus: Curriculum conception and curriculum basic fundamentals. Curriculum current tendencies and issues in different levels and background of teaching process. Public policies of curriculum and evaluation. Relations between the ideal and formal and active curriculum.