
The Professional Post-Graduate Program in Education (PPGPE) at Federal University of São Carlos was created in 2012 and earned grade 4 by CAPES in its first evaluation (2017).

The professional to be graduated in this Program must be a Basic Education teacher and preferably work at public schools.

Concentration area: Teaching-learning

Research line: educational processes – Languages, Curriculum and Technologies.


The Professional Master's Degree aims to enable post-graduate students to develop the conditions for reflective professional practices articulated with the new demands of Basic Education and, therefore, has as its goals:

to contribute to continuing education of Basic Education teachers.
to promote partnership between school and university, in order to assure that school be considered a locus of teacher training.
to contribute to the professional development of Basic School teachers as a process that occur throughout the career;
to promote actions that enable Basic Education teachers to establish themselves as teacher-researchers from an investigative stance.
to promote investigative actions to grant Basic Education teachers to reflect on the possibility on developing shared work in an interdisciplinary perspective.